The Soil Science Society of America (SSSA) announces the following 2017 award recipient to be formally presented at the SSSA Awards Ceremony on 2017-10-24 during the scientific society’s Annual Meeting in Tampa with the ceremony held at the Tampa Marriott Waterside Hotel. The annual awards are presented for outstanding contributions to agronomy through education, national and international service, and research.

Sabine Grunwald, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL – SSSA Fellow: Sabine Grunwald is Professor and was Director of Distance Education Programs in the Soil and Water Sciences Department, University of Florida (UF), Gainesville, FL. She holds an affiliate faculty appointment in the School of Natural Resources and Environment, UF. Dr. Grunwald. received a M.Sc. and Ph.D. from the University Giessen, Germany. She is internationally recognized as an authority in pedometrics, digital soil mapping, soil-environmental modeling and soil carbon dynamics. She has authored a total of 168 peer-reviewed publications and gave more than 430 presentations at international, national and regional conferences. Dr. Grunwald provided leadership as Associate Editor for the Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J., Board member of Geoderma, Vice Chair of Commission Pedometrics of the Int. Union of Soil Sciences, and Chair of the ASA Community Global Digital Soil Map. She has conducted research nationally and internationally including in India, Africa, Brazil and Peru.
SSSA Fellow: Fellow is the highest recognition bestowed by the Soil Science Society of America. Members of the Society nominate worthy colleagues based on their professional achievements and meritorious service. Up to 0.3 percent of the Society’s active and emeritus members may be elected Fellow.