Big Data & Analysis

Grunwald's research team has assembled environmental Big Data sets from various research projects. If you are interested in collaboration/partnership and make use of any of these datasets contact Sabine Grunwald (Email)
The PLG Lab hosts large soil databases (thousands of pedons and samples) of multiple soil properties.
The largest historic Florida soil database (historic soil data from 1965 to ~1996 and soil data from 2009/2010).
The public soil data from the National Cooperative Soil Survey (NCSS) Soil Characterization Database from the Kellogg Soil Survey Laboratory (KSSL), Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).
Soil spectral data (visible, near-, and mid-infrared spectroscopy) from Florida, study sites in Texas, Hawaii, the U.S., and several international projects.
Geospatial environmental data (“STEP-AWBH data”: Soils, terrain/topography, ecology, parent material, geology, climate/atmosphere, biota/vegetation, water/hydrology, human/social data) covering the United States. More than 7 Terabytes of geospatial data and about 6.5 Terabytes of climate data from various sources.