
SWS 5721C GIS in Land Resource Management
On-campus and distance education sections
Course Objectives: To provide students with the basic concepts of, and experience in using, the ArcGIS geographic information system (GIS) and geospatial methods as applied to land resource management issues.
Format: Lectures and labs
Credits: 3
Time: Fall semester

SWS 6722 Soil-Landscape Modeling — Integrative Ecosystem Modeling
(offered < 2024)
On-campus course
Course Objectives: The goal of this class is to explore various concepts, qualitative and quantitative methods to model and understand soil-landscape systems considering its biological and chemical composition, physical environment, social dimension, as well as values, needs, beliefs, and perceptions of people and stakeholders. Understanding the totality of an ecosystem facilitates to better infer on environmental consequences (e.g., carbon dynamics, fate of nutrients, environmental induced trauma of people, environmental justice and gentrification, degradation of ecosystems and well-being of people). The specific course objectives are to:
Analyze and understand relationships between various dimensions of the soil-landscape system as an integrated whole.
Explore model approaches (specifically AI: machine learning and deep learning) to assess, predict, simulate, and understand behaviors and responses to changes from an integrative ecosystem perspective.
Synthesize understanding of the totality of soil-landscapes into complex models.
Format: Lectures and projects
Credits: 3
Time: Spring semester odd years​
Courses & Trainings
Grunwald taught previously:
SWS 4720C GIS in Soil and Water Science
ALS 5027 Reusable Learning Objects
Short courses in GIS
Workshops in innovative e-technologies for distance education
Morphology, Classification and Mapping of Soils at the University of Wisconsin-Madison