So many awards for members of our lab group – Coooooooooooongratulations !!!
Carla Gavilan received the UF Graduate School Doctoral Dissertation award (2018)
Carla Gavilan won the best oral presentation award at the Soil and Water Science Department Research Forum, Gainesville, FL (2017)
Carla Gavilan received the second place in the Student Oral Competition, ASA Community “Soil Carbon and Greenhouse Gas Emissions”, Int. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Meeting, Tampa, FL (2017)
"Toshi" Katsutoshi Mizuta received the Quantitative Environmental Soil Science / Pedometrics Award, Soil and Water Science Department, UF (2017)
Carla Gavilan was awarded the Doris Earl and Verna Lowe Scholarship (2017)
Wade Ross received the UF Graduate School Doctoral Dissertation award (2017)

Toshi and Sabine at the IFAS-UF Graduate Student Award Ceremony. Toshi was awarded the Doris Earl and Verna Lowe Scholarship Award (photo left). Toshi and Sabine at the Soil and Water Sciences Department Award Ceremony, Fall 2017 (photo right).